A collaborative college project, ABI was the result of experimentation with various sensors and household objects. The original plan was to affix sensors to instruments that already exist, however, the professor asked one simple question when the group proposed their project. “Who is this for?” That was when the group decided to affix the sensors to household objects in the attempt to create instruments that anyone could play.


ABI Demonstration

Eric (Left) helped develop the code for the percussive instruments using MAX/MSP. This percussive PVC pipe accompanied the melodic, stretchy, pillow-like instruments played by his classmates.

The pipe was mapped as a MIDI controller to various settings and effects within Ableton Live. The vertical positioning of the PVC pipe changed which MIDI note was sent to Ableton Live upon shaking it. The horizontal positioning of the pipe drove the amount of distortion that was applied to the sound.

¿Quieres Bailar?

A collaborative college project, “¿Quieres Bailar?” was a socially engaged art project created with the intent of bringing people of different cultural backgrounds together in celebration of song and dance.

This was created in support of the art installation “Librería Donceles” by artist Pablo Helguera. The song and dance event took place just outside of the pop up book store Helguera brought to Tempe, Arizona as its own socially engaged art project.


Wildlife Hotel


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